Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Morning Fishing on Mirror Lake

From ridiculously named Demo 0.0999994
-Shows the new scrolling map with the backdrop I extended in Photoshop.
-Shows the lighting system at a fast speed. (Has also been rewritten, now using C# code and Adventure Creator just for the global variables).
-Water ripples and submerged feet. (Also in C#, I'm getting better at the coding side). These are pretty basic, will expand later with a reflective 2D water shader.
-New fishing animation made out of two hero sprites. The one where he takes out his sword and the the one where he hacks a Spitting Flower to pieces
-Animated frog, bird and fish (from various other Sierra games).

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Antwerp Home WIP

It's a cave for the Antwerp to live in, to the right of the rock cliffs you find him/her/it.