Tuesday, 11 February 2020

Morning Fishing on Mirror Lake

From ridiculously named Demo 0.0999994
-Shows the new scrolling map with the backdrop I extended in Photoshop.
-Shows the lighting system at a fast speed. (Has also been rewritten, now using C# code and Adventure Creator just for the global variables).
-Water ripples and submerged feet. (Also in C#, I'm getting better at the coding side). These are pretty basic, will expand later with a reflective 2D water shader.
-New fishing animation made out of two hero sprites. The one where he takes out his sword and the the one where he hacks a Spitting Flower to pieces
-Animated frog, bird and fish (from various other Sierra games).

Tuesday, 21 January 2020

Antwerp Home WIP

It's a cave for the Antwerp to live in, to the right of the rock cliffs you find him/her/it. 

Thursday, 20 October 2016

Facebook Page

Hi, I haven't been updating this blog lately, but you can catch all the latest updates on the Facebook page.


Monday, 6 June 2016

Throwing Animations with Quasi Sprite

I've been busy with work recently, but managed to still squeeze in the odd hour for my game each day. Configured the throwing animations today, big advantage over what I had as it registers whatever direction your mouse is facing and plays either the left or right animation accordingly. Quasi's brilliant plugin also allows the player to face the direction of the mouse.

Saturday, 4 June 2016

Falling Animation

Today I worked on the falling animation, as well as getting animations set up with using Quasi Sprite. I've also done the pixel collisions for this new area (stolen from King's Quest) near Erana's Peace.